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Subject-Verb Agreement

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Consider the following example:

What is wrong with that? Well, the subject (the thing or person) is plural, but the verb is not plural. Subjects have an "s" when they are plural, but plural verbs do not. It would make more sense if we had:


Here is an example from Xello:

The correct answer is "continue" because you have plural for the subject ("many varieties of apple") and you need plural for the verb (one without an "s").

Mastering SVA (Subject-Verb Agreement)

The key to mastering SVA is to identify the subject. Check out these two slightly different examples from Xello:

Notice how a small change in the sentence changes the subject.

Strategy - Turn the Verb Phrase Into a Question

Ask, "what is doing the verb phrase?" This will help you find the subject.

Here is an example from Xello:

You can then ask:

The answer ... "teaching"

Because we can't say "teaching ... help" we must change the verb to helps.

Prepositional Phrases

The 7 most common prepositional words on the SAT are:

These words form a relation between other words.

They can be used to point to the subject (before the prepositional word). Check out the following example from Xello:

Once we know the subject and the verb we can cross everything out in between to check SVA:

Try the following example:

The correct answer is "fills" because the subject is the ringing. Note "of" - the prepositional word, which indicates "the ringing" is the subject.

Here is another question from Xello:

The correct answer here is have been because several solutions is plural and we must use a plural verb to match.

Additional Techniques

Here is an example from Xello:

We could rewrite this as:

Here is another example from Xello:

The correct answer here is "lack" because it's a plural verb which goes along with the plural subject "subartic regions".

Let's try another one from Xello:

Requires is correct here because approval is singular.